🛒 Orders
Order List
In this page order information collected through integration with marketplaces or excel uploads can be reviewed. Order Information Details Orders are registered using the following methods: 1. API Integration with marketplaces (on demand - please contact customer service) 2. Upload Order information via Excel File Order → Order List 1. Select the registration date/order date search period. 2. Select the search items. Order Date The date order was placed by customer. Order Number Order’s unique iUpload Excel Order List
Upload customer information and order details in an Excel file for use in Inspection and Bulk Messaging. This feature is only available with the Pro plan and Enterprise plans. Manage Excel Form Order → Upload Excel Order List → Manage Excel Form Use Standard Form 1. Download a CSV or XLSX file in the standard format. 2. Enter the information into the Order List file and save the file in CSV or XLSX format. Order Date The day order was received. Order Number Order’s unique identifier number. Invo