Realpacking User Guide


📊 Statistics

Monthly Report

On the statistics page, you can view monthly statistics, workload, sales, and other data useful for marketing your workspace, all at a glance. Statistics → Monthly Report Recording Statistics - Clearly understand sales trends based on the number of recordings, which helps in forming business strategies. - Hover over the graph to see the number of recordings for a specific date. - See the total number of recordings for the month, the number of working days in the month, and the daily average numb

Worker statistics

On this page, worker accounts status and statistics are available Worker Statistics → Worker - Understand the team's work efficiency and optimize workforce allocation through data analysis by each worker. - Select the work date and search to view the status of all workers. - Search by work date and worker to see the status of that account within the selected period. Worker Names of workers registered in the workspace are displayed. Recording Type Type of recording processed by each worker. Workl

Video Message

On this page you can check the statistics such as receipt confirmation and open rate. Video Message Statistics → Video Message - Check the Video Messages sent, successful delivery, customer receipt confirmation, and open rate (%) data. - Choose a sending date and click search to see the status of all related Video Messages. Sent Number of Video Messages sent to customers. Successful Delivery Number of Video Messages successfully delivered to customers. Customer Receipt Confirmation Number of cus

Intro Ad Video

In this page the statistics on accesses and plays for the Intro Ad Video can be viewed. Intro Ad Video Statistics → Intro Ad Video - This page shows playback status of the Intro Ad Video set to play as a pre-roll ad for the packaging video. - A view is counted when an user watches the ad for more than 3 seconds. - Choose a registration date and click search to see the statistics of the Intro Ad Video in that period. Visits Users who accessed the Video Message page. Impressions Times the ad was p

Share Count

A marketing strategy can be developed by analyzing video sharing statistics and ranking the ratios compared to industry benchmarks. Share Count Statistics → Share Count - This statistics shows how many times videos were shared by customers on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, or link. - Choose a registration date and click search to see the sharing status for that period. Social Channels Media channel where the video was shared. Share Count Number of times the Video Message was shared. Impres